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  • 请问哪个国家出产冰壶?那个国家窗纱出名「经

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-20 16:36











      1、英国(54%)。 1.欧尚窗帘 2.英国王朝的窗帘 3.法国巴黎窗帘布店 4.意大利米兰的窗帘面料 5.英国皇家伊丽莎白窗帘面料 6.意大利罗马窗帘布店 7.大视野窗帘 8.莫里克窗帘 9.罗绮窗帘 10.像鸭子一样来到水帘布店 1.欧尚窗帘 品牌来源:法国 欧尚窗...

      2、法国????????(46%)。首页 社区精选 业务合作 视频上传 创作者服务 新闻中心 关于我们 社会责任 加入我们 中文 五代人的传承,来自法国????????的百年窗帘品牌 1894年,一位工艺精湛的纺织技师Celestin Linder在法国纺织业的核心城市里昂成立了自己的工厂。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Scotland produces curling. All the mica-free natural granite used in the manufacture of high-quality curling in the world comes from the island of Forth Allis, off the coast of Scotland, and only the Scots have mastered the technology of making the worlds top-level curling. In the 16th century, ice skating competitions began to appear in Scotland; in 1838, the Scottish Ice Skating Club formulated the first official competition rules; in 1807, ice skating was introduced to Canada, and it became popular in the United States and other places since 1820. In 1993, the International Olympic Committee decided that from 1998, ice skating will be listed as an official event of the Winter Olympics. The highest organization of curling is the World Curling Federation, which was established on April 1, 1966 and is headquartered in the United Kingdom. The Chinese curling organization is the China Curling Association, which was established on October 12, 2004, and its venue is in Beijing.

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