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  • 请问马铃薯的茎叶能吃吗?马铃薯的茎叶是否可

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-20 16:39



















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Potato leaves cannot be eaten. Because the leaves contain alkaloids such as solanine, it will affect your health if eaten by mistake. This plant is a common vegetable. As an annual herb, its tubers are not only edible, but also the fourth most important food crop in the world, after wheat, rice and corn. However, it should be noted that sprouted or green potatoes should not be eaten, otherwise it will also affect your health.


    Classification of potato varieties:


      Colored potatoes include purple, red, black, yellow potatoes, colorful potatoes, etc. China has cultivated high-quality colored potatoes, mainly purple and red. By crossing old purple and red potato varieties with high-yielding potato varieties, more than 100 different varieties of colored potatoes have been improved and screened. Colored potatoes can also be developed as specialty foods. Because of its own antioxidant ingredients, colored potato chips can still maintain their natural color after being fried at high temperature. In addition, purple potatoes are not sensitive to light, and fried potato chips can maintain their original color for a long time.

      Black potatoes are black and purple because they contain a lot of anthocyanins, which have anti-aging properties. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of developed main culm, few branches, strong growth potential and strong disease resistance. At the same time, due to the improved disease resistance of this variety, the dosage of pesticides in production is greatly reduced, which is conducive to the production of pollution-free and pollution-free green food.

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