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  • 请问苹果手机序列号x开头是哪里产的?苹果手机

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 09:57






       演示机型:Iphone 13系统版本:iOS15.4












      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13

      System version: iOS15.4

      iPhone serial numbers starting with x are made in Australia. The serial number version of Apple mobile phone depends on the last two digits, CH is for China, ZP is for Hong Kong, KH is for Korean, LL is for US, DN is for German, ZA is for Singapore and Malaysia, AB is for UAE, RS is for Russia, GR is Greece, IP is Italy, PP is the Philippines, FB is France, and J is the Japanese version.


    Related knowledge of Apple mobile phone serial number:


      The beginning of the apple serial number represents the place of production. Apples serial number is a 12-digit number consisting of letters and numbers. The first digit of the Apple serial number represents the place of production, the second and third digits represent the production line, the fourth and fifth digits represent the production year and cycle, the sixth to eighth digits are the unique identifier of the product, and the ninth and fifth digits The ten digits represent the iPhone model, and the eleventh and twelfth digits represent the color and capacity, respectively. So the letter at the beginning of the Apple serial number does not represent the version, but the place of production.

    上一篇:请问苹果13几寸屏幕?苹果13是lcd还是oled「干货」 下一篇:请问如何在微信查找某人微信转账记录?查找个

