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  • 请问荣耀属于华为吗?华为和荣耀的区别一文总

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 09:59






       演示机型:华为P50&&荣耀 Magic4系统版本:HarmonyOS 2&&Magic UI 6.0






      2、所获荣誉不同:荣耀2019年12月12日,《汇桔网·2019胡润品牌榜》发布,荣耀以300亿元品牌价值排名第57,上榜2019数码品牌价值全国排名第3,民营排名第3; “2019胡润最具价值民营品牌”第27位。华为2015年华为入选Brand Z全球最具价值品牌榜百强,位列科技领域品牌排名第16位。








      【英文介绍/For English】:


       Demonstration model: Huawei P50 && Honor Magic4

      System version: HarmonyOS 2&&Magic UI 6.0

      Honor does not belong to Huawei. The two brands have different brand positioning and aim to bring different brand experiences to different user groups. The Huawei brand is built around core elements such as innovation, high-end, and fashion to become a global iconic high-end technology brand. The Honor brand has become a technology trendy brand mainly for young people around the genes of individuality, trend and coolness.


    The difference between Honor and Huawei:


      1. Different target groups: Glory targets young people. The Honor brand is divided into Honor series and Honor V series, one focuses on fashion and the other focuses on extreme performance. Huawei is aimed at all groups, and its brand is positioned in the mid-to-high-end market, not just young people. The Huawei brand is divided into the Mate series and the P series, which already have a double word-of-mouth effect of business and fashion.

      2. Different honors: Honor, on December 12, 2019, released the "Huiju.com 2019 Hurun Brand List", Honor ranked 57th with a brand value of 30 billion yuan, and ranked third in the country in terms of digital brand value in 2019. Privately ranked No. 3; "2019 Hurun Most Valuable Private Brand" No. 27. Huawei In 2015, Huawei was selected as one of the Top 100 Most Valuable Brands in the World by Brand Z, ranking 16th in the technology sector.

    上一篇:请问尚志市属于哪个市的?尚志市美食「一定记 下一篇:请问山行唐杜牧的意思是什么?山行唐杜牧诗句

