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  • 请问什么动物是两面性的?两面性的动物小练笔

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 10:00












      2烦恼并不可怕。可怕的是你如何面对烦恼、是畏惧它,还是一笑便过,进行面对它。 烦恼是两面性的,有好处就有坏处。它是一把双刃剑


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Termites are two-faced. It is both harmful and beneficial. First of all, termites are very harmful to crops such as rice, wheat, corn, peanuts, tea, mulberry, fir, eucalyptus, aspen, hickory, bayberry, etc., but termites living in the forest can make the forest easily escape from drought. Termites loosen the soil and chew the fallen leaves under the trees, so that the nutrients in the dead branches and leaves can be returned to the ecosystem, helping the forest to effectively cope with climate change and maintaining the integrity of the forest ecosystem.

      Termite food sources:

      Termites have a wide range of diets, and their nutrients are derived from plants. They mainly eat plant cellulose and its products, and also eat fungi and lignin, and occasionally eat starch, sugar and protein. However, it is also common for termites to eat man-made fibers, plastics, wires, cables and even bricks, stones, metals, etc. They use chemicals such as formic acid (formic acid) to corrode and melt these objects.

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