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  • 请问梧桐花是鱿鱼吗?爆炒梧桐花鱿鱼「专家回

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:51








      圆锥花序顶生,长约20-50厘米,下部分枝长达12厘米,花淡黄绿色;萼5深裂几至基部,萼片条形,向外卷曲,长7-9毫米,外面被淡黄色短柔毛,内面仅在基部被柔毛;花梗与花几等长;雄花的雌雄蕊柄与萼等长,下半部较粗,无毛,花药15个不规则地聚集在雌雄蕊柄的顶端,退化子房梨形且甚小;雌花的子房圆球形,被毛。蓇葖果膜质,有柄,成熟前开裂成叶状,长6 -11厘米、宽1.5-2.5厘米,外面被短茸毛或几无毛,每蓇葖果有种子2-4个。







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      When cooking seafood dishes, the sycamore flower refers to squid, and the ordinary sycamore flower refers to the flower of the sycamore tree. The seafood named Wutonghua is the pen tube fish. The locals call it the pen tube octopus, which belongs to the squid family and is a kind of squid. There are two pairs of tentacles on the head of the fish, one behind the other, and the rear tentacles are longer. When it does not move, it looks like a blooming sycamore flower, which is where the name comes from.

      Morphological characteristics of sycamore flowers:

      Panicle terminal, about 20-50cm long, lower branches up to 12cm long, flowers pale yellow-green; calyx 5-parted a few to base, sepals bar-shaped, curled outward, 7-9mm long, outside pale Yellow pubescent, inner surface is only pubescent at the base; pedicels are as long as flowers; pistils of male flowers are as long as calyx, the lower part is thicker, glabrous, 15 anthers are irregularly gathered on the pistils Apex, reduced ovary pear-shaped and very small; ovary of female flowers globose, hairy. Follicles are membranous, stalked, dehiscent into leaves before maturity, 6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm wide, with short hairs or almost glabrous outside, each follicle has 2-4 seeds.

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