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  • 请问鸭嘴兽是胎生还是卵生是哺乳动物吗?鸭嘴

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:52














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Platypus is oviparous. The platypus is a mammal. Although the mother also secretes milk to feed the young, it is not viviparous but oviparous. That is, the eggs are laid by the mother and hatched by the temperature of the mother like birds. The mother has no breasts and nipples, and produces milk on both sides of the abdomen, and the cubs lie on the mothers abdomen and lick. The platypus is one of the most primitive mammals. It is an incompletely evolved mammal with very few species. There is only one animal in the same genus, and it is also one of the lowest mammals.

      Platypus biological characteristics:

      The whole body of the platypus is covered in soft brown and dense short hair. Compared with the echidna, the brain is smaller, and the brain is hemispherical and smooth without back. The limbs are very short, the five toes have hook claws, and there are membrane-like webs between the toes, which resemble duck feet. When walking or digging, the webs are folded in the opposite direction on the palm. It is covered with soft fur, like a good waterproof coat. Its mouth is very wide and flat, and it is mounted on its head like a mask. It is shaped like a ducks bill, and its texture is soft, like leather. It is covered with nerves, which can scan like a radar. Generally, it accepts radio waves from other animals. Platypus relies on this weapon to find food and identify directions in the water. The mouth has wide horny gums, but no teeth, and the tail is large and flat, accounting for 1/4 of the body length, and it acts as a rudder when swimming in the water.

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