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  • 请问守宫和蜥蜴一样吗?守宫蜥蜴饲养教程「一

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:56














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Geckos are different from lizards because they refer to different areas. All reptiles lizards can be called lizards, but only reptiles lizards geckos can be called geckos. And the difference between gecko and other lizards is that gecko has better plane attachment and plane crawling ability. Lizards and geckos are in the relationship of inclusion and inclusion, the scope of the lizards is larger, and the geckos are included in the scope of the lizards.

      Guardian life habits:

      The gecko is a gecko, a nocturnal animal. During the day, it lurks in hidden places such as wall cracks, under tile eaves, behind cabinets, etc., and comes out at night. In summer and autumn nights, geckos often appear on walls illuminated by lights, under eaves or on electric poles, preying on mosquitoes, flies, moths and spiders, etc. They are beneficial and harmless animals. When the gecko is frightened or when you go to catch it, as soon as you touch it, its tail will snap off immediately, and the gecko will take the opportunity to escape. This phenomenon is called self-cutting in zoology, also known as self-cutting, self-mutilation and self-cutting.

    上一篇:请问我国第一颗人造月球卫星叫什么名字?我国 下一篇:请问听风八百遍,才知是人间这句什么意思?人间

