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  • 请问五角钱上面的两个人是谁?五角钱人民币上

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 16:00












      人民币5毛钱上的两个人没有名字。 正面是苗族和壮族妇女头像,左侧为苗族,右侧为壮族。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The two people on the RMB 50 cents have no names. On the front are the heads of Miao and Zhuang women, with the Miao on the left and the Zhuang on the right. One corner is Gaoshan and Manchu; two corners are Buyi and Korean; one is Dong and Yao; two is Uygur and Yi; five is Tibetan and Hui; ten is Han and Mongolian. It represents the unity of the country and the unity of the nation.

      Features of the 50 cents coin:

      The pentagonal coin is brass alloy, golden yellow, round, with intermittent wire teeth on the edge, 20.50 mm in diameter, 1.65 mm thick on the edge, and weighs 3.80 grams per piece. The front pattern takes the national emblem of the Peoples Republic of China as the main scene, the national name in Pinyin is printed on the top of the national emblem, and the country name and casting year number are printed below the national emblem; Pinyin words.

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