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  • 请问张择端清明上河图描绘的是哪个城市?清明

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-23 14:50












      1 张择端的清明上河图并没有一个确定的鉴定地点。2 清明上河图是中国古代绘画中的一件珍品,被誉为世界艺术史上的瑰宝,其真实性备受关注。但是,由于历史原因,清明上河图的原作早已不知去向。现在流传的版本多是后人所绘制的复制品。3 如果要鉴定清明上河图的真伪,需要依靠专业的鉴定机构和专业人士的鉴定技能,而不是通过确定一个鉴定地点来进行确定。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Zhang Zeduans Qingming Shanghe Map depicts the current Kaifeng City in Henan, that is, Bianjing at that time. The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival vividly recorded the urban appearance of Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the living conditions of people from all walks of life in Bianjing society. The whole map is roughly divided into three parts: spring in the suburbs of Bianjing, scenes of Bianhe River, and markets in the city.

      The artistic features of "Across the River during Qingming Festival":

      Several very distinctive artistic features can be seen in "Along the River During Qingming Festival": this painting is written with a pen and a workmanship, and the coloring is light and elegant, which is different from the general boundary painting, that is, the so-called number of different families. The composition adopts the birds-eye panorama method, which depicts the typical area of ​​the southeast corner of Bianjing in a true and concentrated manner at that time. The author uses the traditional hand-scroll form to organize the picture by scatter perspective method. The picture is long but not redundant, complicated but not chaotic, tight and compact, such as in one go. The scenery captured in the painting is as big as the silent field, the vast river, and the towering city; The pictures are interspersed with various plots, which are well organized and interesting at the same time.

    上一篇:请问野猪只吃素吗?野猪吃肉还是吃素「分享」 下一篇:请问鱼头豆腐汤能放西红柿吗?鱼汤放西红柿豆

