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  • 请问月亮也自转吗?月亮会不会自转「知识普及

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-23 15:02













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The moon rotates. The moon rotates while revolving around the earth, with a period of 27.32166 days, which is exactly a sidereal month, so the back of the moon cannot be seen. This phenomenon, called "synchronized rotation," or "tidal locking," is a universal law of the solar systems satellite world. It is generally believed to be the result of the long-term tidal action of satellites on planets. The moon moves half a degree per hour relative to the background starry sky, which is about the apparent diameter of the lunar surface. Unlike other satellites, the Moons orbital plane is closer to the ecliptic plane than to the Earths equatorial plane. Relative to the background starry sky, the time required for the moon to orbit the Earth (the moons revolution) once is called a sidereal month; The synodic moon is longer than the sidereal moon because the Earth itself has advanced a certain distance in its orbit around the sun during the moons orbit.

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