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  • 请问怎么正确使用吹风机?吹风机正确吹头发「

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-23 15:03














      1、先吹发根 不要先吹发梢,发根渗透下来的水会让你事倍功半。先把发根吹干,再吹发梢,或者让发梢自然风干,将吹风机的伤害减至最低。

      2、风筒和头皮保持距离 把吹风筒远离头发15cm左右,避免让它碰到头发,太近会导致头发热损伤。在理发店洗发后,很多发型师都会把电吹风离你的头发很近吧,长期这样,对头发是很不好的哦。

      3、吹风机不停移动 很多人常犯的一个错误就是,在吹一个区域的时候吹风机是静止不动的,这样因为热量集中在一个部位会容易引起头发受损。因此,开始时吹风机从头顶开始,一只手将头发拨弄开,一只手移动吹风机。

      4、不要倒吹 湿头发的毛鳞片是张开的,顺着头发生长的方向吹会让毛鳞片闭合,如果倒吹会让毛鳞片张开,越吹越毛躁。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Before using the hair dryer, check whether the wire is in good condition and whether the air inlet is unblocked. Swing it left and right a few times to see if there are loose parts and whether the input power supply has electricity.

      2. Avoid staying in the same position for too long when blowing your hair. Use a towel to absorb the moisture on the hair before blowing, and the hair can be in a state of no dripping, and then use the hair dryer. Otherwise, too much moisture will make the hair dryer work for too long, and the hair will naturally dry out due to continuous high temperature.

      3. After blowing the hair, you can properly care for the hair to reduce the damage to the hair. You can apply some essential oils to make the hair absorb, and the hair will be smoother after drying.

      4. Dont blow the ends of your hair first, the water that penetrates from the roots will make you useless. Dry the roots first, then the ends, or let the ends air dry to minimize damage from the blow dryer.

      5. After use, wipe the outer casing of the hair dryer with a clean cloth, and store it in a dry place to avoid moisture. If the storage time is too long, when reusing, it should be powered on for a few minutes, and then use it after dehumidification.

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