这款车一箱油能跑600公里左右 荣威RX8 如果是四驱版的话油耗应该不低,基本上在12—13左右,一箱油可以跑532公里 荣威rx8的百公里耗油为10升。一箱油加满车子综合路况能够跑600公里左右吧.
【英文介绍/For English】:
According to the instructions in the user manual, Roewe RX8 should use gasoline with grade 92 and above. And only gasoline that meets the national mandatory standards and recommended labels is allowed to be used. Using low-grade fuel can wreak havoc on the engine and catalytic converter, reduce engine power and torque, and increase fuel consumption.
★ 种植花椒的条件