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  • 天然气怎么产生一氧化碳,请问天然气会产生一

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:27

















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It depends on the situation. Natural gas contains a small amount of carbon monoxide, but carbon monoxide is a flammable gas, and it is only possible to produce carbon monoxide when the natural gas is not completely burned due to improper use. Be careful not to use natural gas in enclosed spaces.

      Notes on using natural gas:

      1. If you use natural gas in the kitchen, you must remember not to close the windows very tightly, and pay attention to opening the windows for ventilation to avoid some accidents. Because if the room is in a sealed state, carbon dioxide will be produced when natural gas is burned, and the oxygen content will gradually decrease. When the oxygen supply is insufficient, people will lose consciousness, and in severe cases, people will die.

      2. When using natural gas, especially in the kitchen with natural gas for cooking and cooking, someone must take care of it. If you leave the kitchen, turn off the gas stove and the valve. Usually pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the valve of the gas meter. If there is a looseness or a leak in the gas pipeline, it must be repaired in time, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

      3. When using natural gas, it is necessary to replace the gas pipeline regularly. It has a service life. If it is some hoses, it cannot exceed two years. If it is found to be aging or cracked, it must be replaced, and there should be no winding problems when installing the flexible pipeline. Easy to damage pipes.

      4. The gas stove also has a certain service life. If there is a problem, it also needs to be checked and maintained, and the gas stove must be purchased from regular channels to effectively ensure the safety of natural gas.

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