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  • 四万亿救市是哪一年,请问四万亿是哪一年?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:28


































      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Year 2008. In September 2008, the international financial crisis broke out, China's economic growth rate dropped rapidly, exports experienced negative growth, a large number of migrant workers returned to their hometowns, and the economy faced the risk of a hard landing. In response to this crisis, the Chinese government launched ten measures in November 2008 to further expand domestic demand and promote steady and rapid economic growth. According to preliminary estimates, the implementation of these ten measures will require an investment of about 4 trillion yuan by the end of 2010, so it is called the 4 trillion plan.


    Ten measures:


      One is to speed up the construction of affordable housing projects. Increase support for the construction of low-rent housing, speed up the transformation of shanty towns, implement the project of settlement of nomads, and expand pilot projects for the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas.

      The second is to speed up the construction of rural infrastructure. Strengthen rural biogas and drinking water safety projects and rural road construction, improve rural power grids, speed up the construction of major water conservancy projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and the reinforcement of dangerous reservoirs, and strengthen water-saving renovations in large irrigation areas. Increase poverty alleviation and development efforts.

      The third is to speed up the construction of major infrastructure such as railways, highways and airports. Focus on building a number of passenger dedicated lines, coal transportation channel projects and western trunk line railways, improve the expressway network, arrange the construction of trunk line airports and branch line airports in the central and western regions, and speed up the transformation of urban power grids.

      The fourth is to speed up the development of medical and health care, cultural and educational undertakings. Strengthen the construction of the grass-roots medical and health service system, speed up the renovation of rural junior high school buildings in the central and western regions, and promote the construction of special education schools and township comprehensive cultural stations in the central and western regions.

      Fifth, strengthen ecological environment construction. Speed ​​up the construction of urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities and the prevention and control of water pollution in key river basins, strengthen the construction of key shelterbelt and natural forest resource protection projects, and support the construction of key energy conservation and emission reduction projects.

      Sixth, speed up independent innovation and structural adjustment. Support the construction of high-tech industrialization and industrial technological progress, and support the development of the service industry.

      Seventh, speed up the post-disaster reconstruction work in the earthquake-stricken areas.

      Eighth, increase the income of urban and rural residents. Raise the minimum purchase price of grain next year, raise the standards for comprehensive direct subsidies for agricultural materials, subsidies for improved seeds, subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools, and increase farmers' income. Improve the treatment level of social security objects such as low-income groups, increase urban and rural subsistence allowances, and continue to improve the basic pension level of enterprise retirees and the standard of living allowances for special care recipients.

      The ninth is to comprehensively implement value-added tax transformation and reform in all regions and all industries in the country, encourage technological transformation of enterprises, and reduce the burden on enterprises by 120 billion yuan.

      Tenth is to increase financial support for economic growth. The restrictions on the credit scale of commercial banks shall be lifted, the credit scale shall be reasonably expanded, the credit support for key projects, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", small and medium-sized enterprises, technological transformation, mergers and acquisitions shall be increased, and the growth points of consumer credit shall be cultivated and consolidated in a targeted manner. According to preliminary estimates, the implementation of the above-mentioned projects will require an investment of about 4 trillion yuan by the end of 2010. In order to speed up the construction progress, the meeting decided to increase the central investment by 100 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of this year, and arrange 20 billion yuan in advance for the post-disaster reconstruction fund next year to drive local and social investment, with a total scale of 400 billion yuan.

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