演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13APP版本:淘宝 10.10.10
PV(访问量)是PageView的简写,即页面浏览量或点击量。一个独立IP访问你店铺不同的页面可以产生多个。 UV是uniquevisitor的简写,是指不同的、通过互联网访问、浏览这个网页的自然人。也就是说一个独立的IP访问店铺只产生一个UV(无论浏览你店铺多少个页面)。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Demo model: Iphone 13&&Huawei P50&&Xiaomi 12
System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13
APP version: Taobao 10.10.10
Taobao uv is the number of people who visit different IP addresses of Taobao stores or products. In the same day, uv only records visitors who come to the website for the first time and have a unique IP, and does not count visitors who visit the website again in the same day. The higher the UV value, the better the customers consumption after entering the store.
★ 种植花椒的条件