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  • 双开门冰箱怎么挑选,请问怎么挑选防盗门?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:32












      1、外观 仔细查看外观,冰箱漆层均匀,光亮,无剥落、起层的现象,也不会有磕碰的印记。如果有,是一台不合格的冰箱,不要购买。

      2、箱门 冰箱箱门的质量很关键,门封吸力要强,关闭后,能与冰箱紧密贴合。经测定,冰箱的磁性门封达到标准磁性,才属于合格产品。挑选时,可以用小弹簧称挂在门把手上,拉动弹簧来测试一下。

      3、内胆 冰箱内胆大部分用ABS工程塑料板真空抽吸成型,上面有些微小裂纹不易察觉,但使用久了裂纹会扩大,所以,选购时仔细检查,尽量选择内胆无裂纹的冰箱。

      4、蒸发器 蒸发器内应四壁光滑,无明显刮痕,安装要端正牢固。如果对蒸发器有一定了解,还要向销售咨询它的出处,看是否为大厂家生产的。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. It should be selected according to the actual requirements such as the size of the door opening, the direction of the door opening, and the color, so as to prevent the purchase of an anti-theft door, which leads to the embarrassing situation of not being able to install it, which is expensive and laborious.

      2. There are four grades of anti-theft doors: A-B-C-D. The higher the grade, the stronger the anti-theft performance. The anti-theft grade is on the inner side, and the height from the ground is 1.6 meters. If you have any problems, you can communicate with the manufacturer in time.

      3. Look at the thickness of the steel plate. The thickness of the door frame steel plate with better quality is at least 2mm or more. The thickness of the door body is 20mm, and the whole set of doors is 40kg. Reinforcement and asbestos fillers are added inside. The thicker the steel plate, the better the quality of the door. It can be judged by scrutiny. If it is brittle, it proves that the anti-theft door panel is thinner.

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