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  • 浉河区美食!浉河区法院「干货」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:34




















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Stewed Nanwan fish: Nanwan fish is produced in the Nanwan Lake Management Area of ​​Xinyang City. Nanwan Lake has good water quality and no pollution. Therefore, the Nanwan fish produced is not only delicious, plump and delicious, but also has a high content of trace elements. High nutrition, head hypertrophy is rich in DHA. The stewed Nanwan fish soup is thick and the meat is tender and fragrant. It is a rare delicacy.

      2. Luoshan large intestine soup: The main ingredient of Luoshan large intestine soup is the large intestine of Huainan pig, supplemented with pig blood, water tofu, and stewed with various secret seasonings. Not greasy, soft in mouth, beautiful in color and fragrance, and rich in nutrition.

      3. Gushi hemp duck: The meat of Gushi hemp duck is tender and tender, especially the soup of adult male duck is delicious and delicious. It can be eaten in a variety of ways, fried, stewed, roasted, you can eat it as you like, and it is delicious.

      4. Xinyang Banya: After the duck is fattened and fattened, it is made according to certain production technology and quality and hygiene standards. The finished flat duck has a peach-shaped appearance, clean hair removal, rich nutrition, white and moist color, tender meat, plump tail oil, dry duck body, moderate salt taste, rich in protein, fat, vitamins and inorganic salts and other nutrients.

      5. Ciba: The above-mentioned high-quality glutinous rice is used as the raw material. After cleaning and steaming, put it in a stone mortar and repeatedly pound it into a mud shape. Roll it thin with a rolling pin while it is still hot, and cut it into squares or strips.

      6. Fresh fish in a tube: scrape the scales of more than 2 catties of fresh fish to remove the dirt, wash and drain, cut into pieces, mix with an appropriate amount of salt and put it in a fresh bamboo tube, seal it and store it in a cool place. After more than a month, take it out. Boiled with clear soup and seasoning, the meat is fresh and tender, and the bamboo fragrance has a slight fermented bean curd flavor, which is unique.

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