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  • 茼蒿菜怎样做才好吃-,请问怎样做茼蒿菜好吃?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:41




       怎样做茼蒿菜好吃共有5步。可做蚝油茼蒿、茼蒿丸子、蒸茼蒿等。准备食材:茼蒿、大蒜、蚝油、生抽、淀粉、油、盐。以下是蚝油茼蒿的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 茼蒿洗净焯水 茼蒿洗净,冷水下锅焯水,焯至变色后捞出备用。 2 大蒜切成末调料汁备用 大蒜切成末备用,碗里倒入蚝油、生抽、淀粉,加适量清水调匀备用。 3 热锅烧油炒蒜末 热锅烧油,放入蒜末,炒至蒜末颜色微黄。 4 煮蚝油料汁 倒入调好的蚝油料汁,煮沸即可。 5 茼蒿装盘浇上料汁 茼蒿放入盘中,浇上煮好的蚝油蒜蓉料汁即可。 END总结:以上就是关于怎样做茼蒿菜好吃的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。

      【英文介绍/For English】:


      There are 5 steps to how to make chrysanthemum vegetables delicious. It can be used to make chrysanthemum in oyster sauce, chrysanthemum balls, steamed chrysanthemum, etc. Prepare ingredients: chrysanthemum, garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce, starch, oil, salt. The following are the specific operation steps of chrysanthemum in oyster sauce: Operation/Step 1 Wash chrysanthemum and blanch in water Wash chrysanthemum, blanch in cold water, blanch until discolored and remove for later use. 2 Cut the garlic into minced sauce and set aside. Cut the garlic into minced and set aside. Pour oyster sauce, soy sauce and starch into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water and mix thoroughly for later use. 3 Heat oil in a hot wok and fry minced garlic. Heat oil in a hot wok, add minced garlic and fry until minced garlic is slightly yellow in color. 4 Cook the oyster sauce sauce Pour in the prepared oyster sauce sauce and bring to a boil. 5 Put the chrysanthemum on a plate and pour the sauce. Put the chrysanthemum on the plate and pour the cooked oyster sauce and garlic sauce. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to make chrysanthemum dish delicious, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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