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  • 生日发朋友圈怎样写好,请问生日当天怎么发朋

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:47
















      11、承蒙时光不弃,终究又长一岁,沙没有煽情语录没有心灵鸡汤,祝自己生日快乐,希望所有的绊脚石都是以后惊喜的铺垫,希望以后的日子里眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡,未来美好的岁月里不将就也不辜负,愿从此生活多一点小幸运,Happy Birthday!






      17、终究又长大了一岁,感谢每个阶段不同的自己,岁月都是场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景,希望以后的日子里 眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡。








      25、生日如期而至 希望以后美好也如期而至,深话浅说 长路慢走 未来美好的岁月里不将就不辜负,希望自己能做一个 知世故而不世故的人,愿自己一直保持内心的善良,愿自己能够越来越好,在最后一个奔二的岁月里 依旧不放弃对自己努力 对生活的努力,感谢自己遇见的所有 希望生活多点幸运。





      1. 今天是我的生日,感谢生命中每一个重要的人。愿你们的关爱和祝福伴随我每一天。

      2. 在我最美的时刻,你们的陪伴令我感到无比幸福。我会珍惜这份友谊,感恩每一个热心友好的你。

      3. 今天是个特别的日子,我不孤独,因为有你们的关爱。谢谢你们陪伴我一起度过这美好的时光!

      4. 在这个特殊的日子里,想要说声“谢谢”,谢谢你陪伴我度过生命中难忘的每一天,谢谢你们永远支持我。

      5. 生日是一个自我反思的机会。回想过去,我很开心找到了那么多不可缺少的关键人物,他们在我的人生中扮演着重要的角色。

      6. 每一年的生日都让我感到特别的兴奋和幸福,因为这代表着又过了一年完美的时光。我抱着感恩的心情,迎接未来的每一天。

      7. 生命中最美好的事情之一就是拥有这么多美好的人。你们的关爱,你们的微笑,以及你们无尽的支持,这一切令我感到幸福无比。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Thanks to the perseverance of time, after all, I have grown up by another year. I am grateful for the different selves in each stage.

      2. Another year older, be braver, lose your temper less, go to bed on time, and don't think about it.

      3. For past regrets, smile. Today, stop and say happy birthday to yourself.

      4. In the days to come, don’t settle for anything, live up to it, thank you for your experience, thank you for your companionship, thank you for everything, and wish you a happy birthday.

      5. May we always dare to love and hate, live a simple, brave, firm and pure life, like a young man; hope that next year and today will not disappoint the intention at this time.

      6. Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year. Time flies and the years change. Maturity is not necessarily unhappy, joy is like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon. I want, life, as brilliant as summer flowers!

      7. Today, my birthday, I hope that my future days, like this piece of candlelight, are full of light and hope.

      8. A special day, a special blessing to me on my birthday: I hope that I will be more mature, smoother and more successful when I grow up one year old. Happy birthday to myself!

      9. The time is non-stop, I have seen a lot, let go a lot, gradually lost the edges and corners, lost my hard work, and was slowly bound by life. Even so, I still try my best to have fun in the bitterness. Alone in a strange city, I wish myself a happy birthday and thank you for having you.

      10. Growth happens unexpectedly, birthday comes as scheduled, I wish myself a happy birthday, no chicken soup, no quotations, deep words and simple words, long roads and slow walks, in the beautiful years to come, neither will nor disappoint, thank you for all encounters and companionship, wish All the family members are well, and may all the happiness and warmth come as promised!

      11. Thanks to time, I will be one year older after all. Sha has no sensational quotes and no chicken soup for the soul. I wish myself a happy birthday. I hope that all stumbling blocks are the foreshadowing of future surprises. I hope that in the days to come, there will be sunshine in my eyes and openness in my smile , in the beautiful years to come, I will not live up to what I have, and I hope to live a little more luck from now on, Happy Birthday!

      12. Time is something that catches people off guard. After all, I am one year older. I have stumbled all the way in the past. The past is gone and the future has come. Shake hands with time, make peace with the years, wish myself a happy birthday, make a wish in 2019, read a book , lose weight, object, may all the good things and warmth come as expected!

      13. I am still very cute now, thank everyone who remembers my birthday, thank you for every blessing, every precious gift, no sensational quotes, no chicken soup for the soul, I wish myself a happy birthday!

      14. In this world, what can be easily obtained without hard work is age. Forever young, always with tears in my eyes. Today is the youngest day for the rest of my life. I wish I could go out half my life and come back as a teenager.

      15. The past is gone, the future has come, shake hands with time, make peace with the years... Speak deeply, walk a long way, pass through mountains and ravines, faintly visible. I am grateful for the gift of fate! May everyone be well, and I am still kind! Happy birthday to myself.

      16. I wish myself a happy 21-year-old birthday, and hope that my future life will shine like a star, chic and happy

      17. After all, I am one year older again. I am grateful for the different selves at each stage. The years are a journey that never returns. The good and the bad are all scenery. I hope that in the days to come, there will be sunshine in my eyes and openness in my smile .

      18. May I always be bright, always proud, and always be brave to move forward, not afraid of falling flowers, just being a flower grower.

      19. Thanks to time, I am one year older after all. I wish myself a happy 20th birthday. I am grateful for the upbringing of my parents, I am grateful for the different self and the people who accompany me at each stage, I am grateful for the experience, I am grateful for the encounter, I am grateful for the tolerance and love I have encountered, to speak in depth, and to walk a long way, I hope all the good and tenderness will come as promised .

      20. If you are too young to be serious, you can only choose to grow old seriously when you understand. I am grateful to my parents and to every encounter in my life. Let go of youth and ignorance, just wait for the years to calm down. Happy 30th birthday to myself!

      21. May every choice I make in the future be for myself, I wish that what I do so busy every day is what I like, I wish there is less reason for the beginning, I wish I was more secretly happy, I wish all the tears were tears of joy, and I wish I could taste the warmth and coldness of the world , but also retain the original fiery heart.

      22. I wish myself a happy 20th birthday, and hope that all stumbling blocks are the foreshadowing of future surprises.

      23. Time always catches people off guard. Welcome everything as scheduled. May I be like an adult in the wind and rain, and still like a child in the sun. Happy 24th birthday to myself.

      24. Thanks to the perseverance of time, I will be one year older after all. I wish myself a happy nineteenth birthday. I hope that all the difficulties will be the foreshadowing of surprises in the future. I hope that in the days to come, there will be sunshine in my eyes and openness in my smile, and a bright future I will live up to the years, I hope I will live a little more luck from now on, thank you for your experience, thank you for your companionship, and thank you for everything!

      25. The birthday comes as scheduled, and I hope that the future will also come as scheduled. Talk about the long road and walk slowly. In the beautiful years in the future, you will not be disappointed. I hope that I can be a person who knows the world but not the world, and I hope that I will always keep my heart Kindness, I hope I can get better and better, and I still don’t give up on my hard work and life in the last years of running for the second year. Thank you for everything I have met and hope that life will be more lucky.

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