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  • 特种作业人员管理制度题,特种作业人员管理制

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:48















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. The Technical Safety Division is responsible for the organization and liaison of the safety training, evidence collection, and review of special operators. The General Management Department is responsible for the deployment of special operators and the supervision and assistance of safety training and evidence collection. Manage and train educational work.

      2. Each unit should identify the training needs of special operators on a regular basis, formulate a training plan, and report it to the technical safety department of the factory every six months, and the technical safety department will compile the enterprise training plan and organize the implementation.

      3. Special operation personnel should have the physical conditions and corresponding education level corresponding to this type of operation, and have passed the assessment of the Municipal Safety Production Supervision Administration (special equipment operators are qualified by the Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau) and obtained the "special operation operation qualification." certificate”, before they can work independently.

      4. The training (re-training) assessment of special operators shall be entrusted to the Municipal Chemical Safety and Environmental Protection Association, the Municipal Special Equipment Safety Technology Training Center and other departments according to the type of work. Those who fail the assessment can take a make-up examination. Those who fail to pass will be laid off.

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