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  • 职位分类最早产生于19世纪的什么,请问职位分类

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:05






      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Job classification first appeared in the United States in the 19th century. Job classification is usually classified according to the nature of the job, the severity of responsibilities, the degree of difficulty and the required qualifications, etc., and is divided into several categories and grades, so that people who are engaged in different types of work can be managed with different requirements and methods. Personnel at the same level and at the same level are governed by a unified standard to achieve scientific management of personnel, so as to achieve "suitability for the right person" and fair and reasonable labor remuneration, which is a type of modern personnel classification. As opposed to grade classification. Position classification is a classification centered on "things", focusing on the position, responsibilities and powers of the position. In an organization, the most commonly used job classification is department classification and grade classification. For example, the manager of the personnel department covers two categories.

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