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  • 颐和园的腊梅什么时候开,请问颐和园的腊梅在

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:11













      2、北京颐和园观赏腊梅 观赏品种:狗牙、素心 观赏期:二月中旬至三月上旬


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The Lamei of the Summer Palace is located on the mountainside of Wanshou Mountain, east of Yishou Hall. There are three rooms on the left and right, Ping An Room and Yongshou Zhai, each sitting on the west and facing the east. The whole group of buildings is built with tiger skin stone brick walls and bluestone tiles, and the appearance of the building is very simple and rough.

      Morphological characteristics of plums:

      Deciduous shrub, up to 4 meters high; young branches are square, old branches are nearly cylindrical, gray-brown, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, with lenticels; scale buds are usually born in the leaf axils of second-year-old branches, and bud scales are nearly round Shape, imbricate arrangement, outside is pubescent. The leaves are papery to subleathery, oval, oval, broadly oval to ovate-oval, sometimes oblong-lanceolate, 5-25 cm long, 2-8 cm wide, with acute to acuminate apex, Sometimes with apex, base acute to rounded, glabrous except for sparsely pubescent on dorsal veins of leaves. Flowers are born in the leaf axils of the second-year-old shoots, first flowers and then leaves, fragrant, 2-4 cm in diameter; perianth segments are round, oblong, obovate, elliptic or spoon-shaped, 5-20 mm long and 5-5 mm wide. 15 mm, glabrous, inner tepals shorter than outer tepals, clawed at base.

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