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  • 怎么把微信名字加上颜色,请问微信名字怎么变

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:29






      演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12

      系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13

      APP版本:微信 v8.0.20

       微信名字变成带颜色的共有5步,本操作方法适用于Iphone 13、华为P50、小米12三种机型,以下是华为P50中微信名字变成带颜色的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 发现页点击小程序 微信“发现”页内点击“小程序”。 2 打开透明昵称小程序 搜索并打开“透明昵称”小程序。 3 点击彩色昵称生成 打开小程序后点击“彩色昵称生成”。 4 输入昵称点击转换 在下方输入“昵称”,然后点击“一键转换”,转换完成后,复制上面的彩色字体。 5 粘贴昵称完成更改 个人资料界面点击“昵称”,粘贴入彩色字体的昵称,点击“保存”,完成更改。 END总结:以上就是关于微信名字怎么变成带颜色的的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。








      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13&& Huawei P50&& Xiaomi 12

      System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13

      APP version: WeChat v8.0.20


      There are 5 steps for the WeChat name to become colored. This operation method is applicable to three models: Iphone 13, Huawei P50, and Xiaomi Mi 12. The following are the specific operation steps for the WeChat name to become colored in Huawei P50: Operation / Step 1 Discovery Click on the Mini Program on the WeChat "Discovery" page and click on "Mini Program". 2 Open the Transparent Nickname applet Search and open the Transparent Nickname applet. 3 Click the color nickname generation to open the applet and click "color nickname generation". 4 Enter the nickname and click to convert. Enter "nickname" below, and then click "One-click conversion". After the conversion is completed, copy the color font above. 5 Paste the nickname to complete the change Click "Nickname" on the profile interface, paste the nickname in color font, and click "Save" to complete the change. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to change the WeChat name into a color, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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