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  • c4d渲染用什么显卡好,请问c4d渲染会把显卡烧坏

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:24






       演示机型:华为MateBook X&&RTX 3080系统版本:win10 c4d渲染会把显卡烧坏,c4d渲染运行时显卡会百分百运行,在高功率持续运行下显卡便会别烧坏。C4d使用+渲染的CPU配置标准在C4d渲染中,渲染图像中会出现几个正方形,每个正方形代表一个线程,如果CPU是4核8线程,8个正方形将一起呈现,如果是双核4线程,便只有4个单元,每个网格的渲染速度与CPU的主频有关。








    RTX 3060


      RTX 3060 显卡是NVIDIA公司生产的显卡。GeForce RTX 30 系列 GPU 强劲的性能满足玩家和设计者。产品采用第 2 代 NVIDIA RTX 架构 - NVIDIA Ampere 架构,搭载全新的 RT Core、Tensor Core 及SM 流式多处理器,可带来逼真的光线追踪效果。

       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demo model: Huawei MateBook X&&RTX 3080

      System version: win10

      The c4d rendering will burn out the graphics card. When the c4d rendering is running, the graphics card will run 100%, and the graphics card will not burn out under the continuous operation of high power. C4d uses + rendering CPU configuration standard In C4d rendering, several squares will appear in the rendered image, each square represents a thread, if the CPU is 4 cores and 8 threads, the 8 squares will be presented together, if it is dual core 4 threads, There are only 4 units, and the rendering speed of each grid is related to the main frequency of the CPU.

      Note for optional graphics cards:

      1. Optional restrictions, whether the motherboard interface, memory and CPU can provide sufficient performance support.

      2. The graphics card chip determines the quality of the graphics card. When selecting, refer to the ladder diagram.

      3. Select the graphics card interface, which corresponds to the motherboard adapter interface type, the output interface adapts to the monitor, and the power interface adapts to the power supply selection.

      4. The video memory specification affects the ability of the video card, second only to the video chip.

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