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  • 半斤八两一样重吗,请问半斤是不是八两?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:24













      2、古时度量衡标准与现不同,一斤等于16两,半斤就是八两。 半斤八两: 半斤八两是汉语成语,意思是指彼此不相上下,实力相当。

       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Half a catty and eight liang were the same weight in ancient times, but they are not the same weight in modern times. In ancient times, one catty was sixteen taels, so half a catty was eight taels; in modern times, one catty was ten taels, and half a catty was five taels. Banjinbaliang is also a Chinese idiom, which means that they are equal to each other and have equal strength. From the "Five Lantern Huiyuan" by Shi Puji of the Song Dynasty: the weight of the head is half a catty, and the weight of the tail is eight taels, and the two roads are similar.

      The origin of one pound and sixteen taels:

      Fan Li was a native of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period in my country, and was hailed as a sage of Shang by later generations. In the process of doing business, it is found that it is difficult for people to do a fair deal in the transaction process. So after a long period of observation and thinking, he compared the seven stars of the Big Dipper, the six stars of the South Dipper, and the three stars of Fortune, Lu, and Shou to sixteen taels. Sixteen star points are marked on the weighing rod. The Big Dipper and the Southern Dipper are 13 stars in the front, and Fu, Lu, and Shou are in the back. Each star represents one tael, and sixteen taels are one kilogram. , eight taels is half a catty.

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