【太平洋汽车】280凌渡油箱容量是50升,油箱设计为该容量原因是为了满足油箱加满油时可以行驶700公里以上路程,该车的百公里平均油耗为7升,使用95号或更高的无铅汽油,汽车的油箱容积决定了汽车的行驶里程,油箱越大跑得越远。 大众凌渡280油箱容积为50L。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Press the fuel tank switch button on the center console in the car, the fuel tank cap will pop up, and then turn to unscrew the fuel tank port. Gently press the fuel tank cap to open the fuel tank, and then twist and unscrew the fuel tank port. Close: Screw on the fuel tank port, and then push the fuel tank cap back. Make sure that the above operations are performed when the vehicle is unlocked. When the vehicle is locked, it may not be able to be opened or closed.
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