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  • 寒露祝福语,寒露祝福语短句...「分享」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:36





















      1. 愿你的心一年比一年温暖,一天比一天幸福。


      2. 寒露到,关爱到,祝福到,真心到,让你的天天都充满幸福。


      3. 愿你寒露的天气里,都是暖心的祝福,都是甜蜜的微笑。


      4. 光阴似箭,时光荏苒,只有真诚的祝福,才会永恒。




      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. When the cold dew arrives, let the breeze take my thoughts away and move your heart; let the white clouds drift away from my concerns and warm your heart; I wish you are happy every day and everything is fine!

      2. The cold dew, the cold dew, shows the style, full of confidence; let the smile show, the happiness lasts; let the success show, the brilliant care; with the good luck, the success is not wrong; with the blessing of a "lu", I wish you happiness.

      3. When the cold dew arrives, happiness will put on happy clothes for you, beauty will put on a happy coat for you, auspicious will put on a lucky hat for you, peace will put on healthy shoes for you, and friends will send you sincere wishes: may you be well , everything goes well!

      4. The grass hid in the ground, the flowers ran into the soil, the frogs hid in the mud, the geese flew into the clouds, the cold dew weather began to be cold, warm greetings to you, quickly get into the quilt, bring With happiness into the dream!

      5. When the heavy frost comes, add clothes in time for the evening and the morning, time goes by without leaving a trace, thoughts are entwined silently, Xingyu wishes that you understand best, and that everything is fine. Frost is happy, and happiness is always there.

      6. The old tree with its roots is getting thinner and thinner, and the swan geese fly south frequently to look back. The dew white leaves fall and it is autumn again, the sky is high, the clouds are pale and the water is clear. The light wind slowly circled his heart, thinking of when Mianmian had ever stopped. In the cold dew season, remembering friends, adding clothes to keep warm and worry-free.

      7. The wind of the cold dew is cool and whizzing; the rain of the cold dew is cold; the frost of the cold dew is white; the greeting of the cold dew is warm; !

      8. The sun shines in all directions, and the dew is next to the flower branches. When the cold dew arrives, the weather is cold, and the concern in my heart is even longer. The greetings were full of emotion, and the blessings kept ringing in the ears. Although the short message is short, the friendship is long, and I wish you good health forever!

      9. The heat escapes from the cold dew, the wind rises and the leaves fall and the chrysanthemum smiles. The sky is high, the clouds are light, the geese fly south, and the dewdrops are crystal clear and cold. Don't forget to eat a good breakfast, and you don't need to go out early for morning exercises. Enjoy the emperor's meal at noon and vegetable cakes in broth for dinner. I wish Han Lu good waist and legs!

      10. Show a smiling face, let troubles have nowhere to hide, show happiness, let sadness go far away, show happiness, let depression be ashamed, show sincerity, let blessings spread thousands of miles, cold dew festival, may you show Smile, be happy!

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