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  • 鱼和绿豆相克吗,请问绿豆鱼有什么功效与作用

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:37


















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Strengthen bones and muscles: Mung bean fish is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements. Eating it can enhance the strength and growth of bones. In addition, mung bean fish is rich in protein, which is an important component of muscles. Eating mung bean fish can strengthen the muscles and bones.

      2. Nourish the liver and improve eyesight: Mung bean fish contains a lot of vitamin A, which is conducive to promoting vision development. In addition, mung bean fish is rich in high-quality protein. The amount and ratio of essential amino acids contained in it are most suitable for human needs and are easily digested by the human body. Absorption, less burden on the liver, is conducive to liver health, therefore, often eat some mung bean fish in moderation, which is conducive to nourishing the liver and improving eyesight.

      3. Brain-building and intelligence: Mung bean fish contains a lot of DHA, which is an unsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial to the human body. It is the main component of the growth and maintenance of cells in the nervous system. The content in the human cerebral cortex is as high as 20%. It is an essential substance for development, so eating mung bean fish every day has a brain-enhancing effect, especially suitable for infants and children.

      4. Nourishing blood and beauty: Mung bean fish is rich in iron, and iron is a component of human hemoglobin. After entering the human body, it will be combined with oxygen and transported to every part of the body. If the body is deficient in iron, there will be various symptoms of anemia. Therefore, Eating more iron-supplementing foods every day means replenishing blood to the body. Fish balls are one of the foods that replenish iron and blood. At the same time, mung bean fish also contains other rich vitamins, proteins, etc., which can provide nutrition for the skin and promote the skin. metabolism, making people more radiant.

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