的减震器偏硬。SUV车身高,通常减震都较硬,太软的减震在急转弯的时候容易发生侧翻,急刹车的时候点头也比较大。 汽车悬挂系统的软或硬没有严格意义上的谁好谁坏,长安cs75减震的软硬是由车辆的调教决定的,取决于减震器对弹簧弹力及阻尼器的阻尼力之间的匹配调教。其软硬效果主要也是因人而异,有些人可能感觉硬,而有些人也会觉得这样比较好。只要在使用过程中没有异响,颠簸时弹跳较为严重的话,还是没有什么问题的,减震偏硬主要是在行驶过程中能够保持车辆较好的循迹性,车身减小侧倾感,悬挂较软可以有效地吸收路面反馈,家用车辆最好的效果是两者找到一个平衡。
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Check whether the shock absorber leaks oil. When it is not raining or washing the car, look directly at the shock absorber housing or dust jacket.
2. When driving at low speed, when the wheel passes through the convex part of the road or there is a slight vibration, there is a squeaking sound. The abnormal sound of the shock absorber is different from the abnormal sound of other chassis, which is very dull. If there is a noticeable vibration on the steering wheel of the front shock absorber, an experienced driver can accurately judge which suspension is issued.
3. Press the top of the suspension part of each wheel by hand, such as the front and rear fenders. The faulty shock is pressed hard. This is a symptom of the shock absorber oil leaking to the late stage. This can only be judged by an experienced maintenance technician.
4. If the shock absorber fails, it can only be replaced, and there is no way to repair it.