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  • 一寸照片尺寸是多少厘米,请问一寸照片是多大

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:48













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      One inch photo is 25mm×35mm. One-inch photo refers to a one-inch-sized photo, which is usually used as an ID photo. In order to ensure the uniformity of photo quality and portrait size, angle, posture, color, etc., the Ministry of Public Security has formulated and promulgated the technical standard for digital photos for ID card production (GA461-2004). All photos need to be a recent full-face, bareheaded color headshot, with the head accounting for 2/3 of the size of the photo, and a white background without borders. The image is clear, rich in layers, natural in appearance, and without obvious distortion. Electronic one-inch photos are electronic photos that are transmitted, stored and displayed in the form of picture files. All photos displayed on the computer are called electronic photos. The white background is generally used for drivers licenses and ID cards, and the blue background is generally used for Graduation certificate or taking exams etc. The photos that need to be uploaded when registering online, if there are no special requirements, then both white background and blue background are acceptable.

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