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  • 夏天吃南瓜有什么好处,请问夏天吃南瓜好吗-?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:48










      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Promote growth and development: Pumpkin is rich in zinc, which participates in the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in the human body, is an inherent component of adrenal cortex hormones, and is an important substance for human growth and development.

      2. Helps digestion: The pectin contained in pumpkin can protect the gastric mucosa from rough food stimulation. The ingredients contained in pumpkin can promote bile secretion, strengthen gastrointestinal motility, and help food digestion.

      3. Improve immunity: Pumpkin is rich in polysaccharides. Pumpkin polysaccharides can improve the immune system of the human body. Because pumpkin polysaccharides are non-specific immune enhancers, they can promote the production of cytokines, so they can regulate the immune system.


      A species of the genus Cucurbitaceae, an annual trailing herb with rooted stems at regular nodes, thick petioles, broadly ovate or oval leaves, slightly soft texture, raised veins, slightly thick tendrils, monoecious, and thick fruit stems , with ridges and grooves, depending on the variety, often with several longitudinal grooves or no outside, many seeds, long oval or oblong. Native to Mexico to Central America, it is widely cultivated around the world. It was introduced into China in the Ming Dynasty and is now widely planted in all parts of the north and south.

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