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  • 湛江美食博主(湛江美食)「知识普及」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:50


















      在美食博主们的引领下,我们可以领略到当地的海鲜美食。湛江 位于珠江三角洲的南端,半岛的海滨文化孕育了当地独具特色的海鲜美食。博主们推荐的一些美食餐厅,像是有名的海滨酒家,以及地道的街头小吃,都能让我们大饱口福。





      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Zhanjiang delicacies include white-cut chicken, dustpan cooking, Leizhou dumplings, fried shrimp cakes, beef offal skewers, wood leaf clips, chee cheong fun and so on.

      1. The white-cut chicken has beautiful shape, yellow skin and white meat, fat and tender and delicious, and the taste is very delicious. It is very delicious. The delicious and original taste of the chicken is unique.

      2. Dustpan cooking is a traditional snack in the western region of Guangdong Province, in Dianbai, Gaozhou, Xinyi, Huazhou, and Zhanjiang districts in Zhanjiang region, Suixi County, Lianjiang City, Wuchuan City, and Leizhou in Maoming region. It is very popular in the city and Xuwen County. It is famous for its dustpan made of bamboo strips as a container, and Huazhou is also known as "Ge" or "dustpan". Gangmen Town, Beipo Town, Caotan Town, Yanggan Town, etc. on the west coast of Suixi are called "white jackals", and Zhanjiang City and Lianjiang City call them dustpan cooking. Lianjiang dustpan cooking is the most famous.

      3. Leizhou zongzi is a traditional snack in Leizhou, Guangdong, belonging to Cantonese cuisine. It has a long history and was once known as Tiannan Jiapin. The method is to use glutinous rice as the skin, lotus seeds, pork, red dates, mushrooms, etc. as fillings, wrap it in Hainanese zongzi leaves, and steam for 4 to 5 hours. Leizhou people often eat zongzi with beef soup, which is called beef zongzi.

      4. Shrimp cake is a delicacy, the main ingredients are raw shrimp meat, flour and so on. First popular in the Jiangnan region, shrimp cakes are the most famous as a special traditional snack in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. In Changzhou, because the shape of shrimp cake is wrinkled like a waist drum, it is also called "copper drum cake".

      5. Beef offal skewers is a famous traditional snack in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, belonging to Cantonese cuisine. The most important thing is the hot and fragrant sauce. In addition to the noodle sauce, various spices such as star anise, fennel, pepper, and dried tangerine peel are essential. Beef offal is one of children's favorite snacks. When the cold wave from the north descends to the south and there is a drizzle in the sky, the aroma of boiled beef offal wafts from the side streets and alleys of Chikan.

      6. There are two kinds of wood leaves, fragrant and sweet, both of which are made of glutinous rice flour. The fragrant ones are mixed with peanuts, loach, dried shrimp, and salted radishes; the sweet ones are mixed with sugar, shredded coconut, sesame seeds, and peanut kernels. for stuffing. After it is done, wrap it with pineapple leaves or banana leaves on both sides, and steam for about an hour to ripen.

      7. Chee Cheong Fun is an authentic traditional snack in Laoxiguan, Guangdong. The steaming process of Chee Cheong Fun is similar to that of Shahe Fun. It is named after the pig intestines, also known as "roll noodles", which are white as snow and thin as paper, and are famous for their special tenderness.

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