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  • 新买苹果13要不要升级系统,请问到底要不要买苹

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:02






       演示机型:Iphone 13系统版本:iOS15.4













      值不值得买是相对的。如果你现在用的是iPhone 12,甚至是iPhone 11系列,那基本就不用来凑热闹了。除非是想换到iPhone 13 Pro系列。 因为相较于iPhone 12的品质和一年的等待时间来说,iPhone 13除了价格比较吸引人以外,其他方面的提升确实还差了点意思。 但如果是其它老iPhone的用户,还是相当值得的,换到新款iPhone,体验会是质的飞跃。最近已经听到不少人在说,用上iPhone 13以后,再用回自己的旧手机,总觉得一卡一卡的。 其实iPhone 13最主要的变化也就是:外观、拍摄、厚重度、屏幕亮度这几个方面。 送个小惊喜,碰碰运气喽! iPhone 13的外观 iPhone 13入手之后,不可避免的要盯着后置的那两颗摄像头陷入沉思了。斜对角摆放明显不符合常规的对称设计,不过倒是给iPhone 13增加了不小的辨识度。反正无论你戴什么手机壳,一眼就能看出来,这货就是iPhone 13啊! 不过说实话,苹果这么摆放摄像头还真不是为了标新立异,而是不得已而为之。主要是因为传感器个头太大了,也只能往右边放,结果就是我们看到的斜对角摆放了。 iPhone 13另一个值得一提的外观变化是刘海缩小了,不过也仅仅是长度缩小了20%,宽度基本没什么变化。而这个缩小的设计,其实也是在给增强的摄像头腾出空间。只是这么一来听筒就被上移到边框边缘了,个人感觉,这个设计其实并不算好看。相较于缩小的那么一点刘海,我还是更喜欢iPhone 12的设计,听筒处于刘海的正中间哇!


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13

      System version: iOS15.4

      If you buy a new iPhone 13, you need to upgrade the system. Apple system upgrade is usually to patch the loopholes and bugs of the mobile phone system, and add some new functions to improve the shortcomings of the mobile phone system and make the functions of the mobile phone more convenient for users. When updating the system, make sure that the phone has sufficient power, and it is recommended to plug in the power cord. If you choose to upgrade the wireless network, you must ensure the stability of the wireless network, and you cannot disconnect the network halfway.


    Five major upgrade features of iPhone 13:


      1. Camera upgrade: iPhone 13 has more powerful camera functions, adopts dual cameras, and a new wide-angle camera is added to the rear camera.

      2. On-screen display and multi-tasking system operation functions: iPhone 13 adds the on-screen display function, which can display time, phone calls and some other content when the screen is off. In addition, multi-task operation supports split-screen operation, and the size can be freely adjusted in the left and right areas of the screen.

      3. Faster processing speed: The iphone13 uses the A15 bionic chip. Compared with the iphone12A14 chip, the processing speed is faster, the performance can be improved by 50%, and the experience is faster and smoother.

      4. Improved battery life: iPhone 13 has a battery capacity of 3095mAh, which supports 19 hours of continuous video playback.

      5. Using the super retina XDR display, the color is more gorgeous, and the brightness can be increased by 28% compared with the iphone12. The bangs module is a problem that fruit fans are very concerned about. Compared with the iphone12, the bangs module is reduced by about 20%.

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