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  • 香肠腊肉抽真空后还要不要放冰箱,请问腊肉抽

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:11
















      答:建议放。抽了真空的腊肉建议放冰箱存放,抽了真空的腊肉放在冰箱中可以保存更长的时间,在冰箱的低温环境下可以更好的抑制细菌的生长,腊肉虽然经过了真空的包装,但是在高温下还是容易有细菌生长。 经过真空包装的腊肉放在冰箱保鲜层中可以储存3个月左右的时间,放入冰箱冷冻层可以保存12个月左右的时间,但是建议大家还是尽快食用,存放时间过久会导致营养流失,口感也会发生变化。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Bacon can be stored for about 1 year under vacuum-packed air-tight conditions. The longer the bacon is placed, the less water it contains, the harder it will be. Therefore, when eating vacuum-packed bacon, pay attention to cooking it with water for a while longer to soften the bacon, so that it can be easily cut and removed. The salty taste of bacon makes the bacon taste better.


    Classification of bacon:


      1. Cantonese-style bacon, the most famous for its bacon strips, is marinated and roasted with pig rib meat as raw material. Refreshing and other characteristics.

      2. Hunan bacon, also known as Sanxiang bacon, is made of Ningxiang pig with thin skin, tender meat and suitable weight as raw material, which is processed through six processes of cutting strips, preparing accessories, pickling, washing salt, drying and smoking. It is characterized by red-yellow skin color, fat like wax, brown-red muscles, salty and palatable, rich incense, and not greasy to eat.

      3. Sichuan bacon is made by cutting the meat into 5cm wide strips, and then pickling, washing, drying and baking. The finished product has the characteristics of red color like fire, strong aroma, delicious taste and rich nutrition.

    上一篇:煮南瓜粥先放南瓜还是米,贝贝煮粥「解析」 下一篇:做梦梦到自己死了的亲人,做梦梦到自己死了「

