首先需要明确的是,中英文翻译是基于语言和文化的,因此不能简单地按字面翻译。例如,“一只碗”指的是碗的数量,而“一个碗”则是指碗本身的数量。所以,在英语中,我们可以说“A bowl”或者“one bowl”来表示这个概念。
此外,在英语中还有其他形容词可以用来表示数量。例如,当我们想表达“三只杯子”时,可以说“Three cups”或者“Three glass cups”。
除此之外,在英语中也有类似于中文中量词的存在。这些量词被称为“measure words”,用于表示某种物品的数量。例如,“two pieces of cake”和“three cups of coffee”都使用了“of”这个介词作为连接符。
【英文介绍/For English】:
One bowl at a time is fine. A unit refers to an agency, a group, or various departments belonging to an agency or a group; it refers to the name of a standard quantity for measuring things in mathematics or physics. Generally, there are: meters (m), kilometers (km), new (ton) N, pascal (scal) Pa and other units; in the traditional sense of Buddhism, units refer to quantitative units such as length, mass, and time. Specialized terms such as: instant, instant, flick of the finger, and so on. To be precise, a unit is to set a certain amount of substances as 1 and become a unit. In a broad sense: unit is a relative concept, which is an abstract concept that can constitute an individual in the coordinate axis of the object coordinate system. The smallest unit of things is zero.