瓷砖对人有辐射,但不会对人产生危害。 瓷砖产品的原材料来源于石粉、石英粉、长砂粉、锆石粉等矿土,这些原材料在蜕变过程中放出一种特殊的射线,产生辐射。
所以,瓷砖中的辐射,是不可避免的。 扩展资料: 购买瓷砖时,瓷砖外包装上会标明放射性水平等级,而符合使用标准的瓷砖不会危害人体健康。
而在我国,根据中国建筑卫生陶瓷协会对传统陶瓷产区如江西景德镇、江苏宜兴等地企业的调查,也未曾发现有一线工人因为长期接触陶瓷而因其辐射产生健康问题的状况。 参考资料来源:凤凰网——瓷砖真的有辐射吗?
【英文介绍/For English】:
Using slag cement to paste exterior wall tiles radiation can not enter the bedroom. Tile radiation refers to the phenomenon that tiles contain radioactive substances, and the radioactivity of glazed tiles is more obvious. The radiation of ceramic tiles is very low and hardly poses a threat to human health. The radiation effect of tiles on the human body is not as great as the radiation effect produced by talking on a mobile phone for one minute. In comparison, consumers should pay more attention to quality issues such as gloss and flatness of tiles when purchasing.
Most of the raw materials of glazed tiles come from potassium-containing minerals, such as feldspar, mica, etc. These minerals contain certain radioactive substances such as uranium and radon. It is still radioactive after physical and chemical processes such as crushing and sintering. And in order to make the surface of the tiles smooth, zircon sand with higher radioactivity is often added to the raw materials, so that some tiles have higher radioactivity.