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  • 新能源车硅材料用途是什么,请问硅材料用途是

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:23














      Q: 新能源车中的硅材料有什么用途?

      A: 硅材料在新能源车中的用途非常广泛,主要可以分为以下几个方面。

      1. 电池材料:硅材料可以用于电池的负极材料,与传统材料相比,硅材料具有更高的容量和更好的循环稳定性,可以更好地提高电池的性能。

      2. 智能驾驶系统:硅材料可以用于智能驾驶系统中的雷达传感器,能够提高传感器的精度和稳定性,从而提高驾驶辅助系统的性能。

      3. 能量转换器:硅材料可以用于能量转换器中,如光伏发电和热电发电等,通过将太阳能和热能转化为电能,实现对新能源的利用。

      4. 其他用途:硅材料还可以用于电机、变速器、制动系统等其他部件中,可以提高部件的性能和可靠性。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Silicon material use:

      1. Made into solar cells. A small amount of group IIIA elements are doped into single crystal silicon to form a p-type silicon semiconductor; a small amount of group VA elements are doped to form an n-type semiconductor. A p-type semiconductor and an n-type semiconductor are combined to form a p-n junction, which can be made into a solar cell that converts radiant energy into electrical energy.

      2. Made of metal-ceramic composite material. Mixing and sintering ceramics and silicon can make a metal-ceramic composite material, which is resistant to high temperature, rich in toughness, and can be cut. It not only inherits the advantages of metal and ceramics, but also makes up for the congenital defects of both.

      3. Produce high-transparency glass fiber. Pure silica can be used to draw high-transparency glass fibers instead of cables. The laser can be transmitted forward through numerous total reflections in the path of the glass fiber.

      4. Made of waterproof coating material. Silicone plastic is an excellent waterproof coating material. Spraying silicone on the four walls of the subway can solve the problem of water seepage once and for all. On the surface of ancient cultural relics and sculptures, a thin layer of silicone plastic can be applied to prevent moss from growing and resist wind, rain and weathering.

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