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  • 石拐区美食,石佛营附近美食「解析」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:43
















      1. 王丹老北京炸酱面:这家店是石佛营地区非常出名的一家炸酱面店,它有非常浓郁的老北京风味和特色。炸酱的酱汁看起来很简单,但却是经过多次研制和改良的,咸淡适中,非常美味。

      2. 老四季牛肉面: 这家店是许多龙泽地区人最喜欢的一家牛肉面店,选用的面条非常的地道,牛肉非常入味,口感也十分的不错。据说老四季的炖骨汤也十分地出名,可尝试一下。

      3. 光头娃儿羊蝎子: 这是一家十分地出名的羊蝎子店,里面的羊肉非常鲜美,而且味道浓郁,做的火候非常地讲究。一般吃羊蝎子的人,都可以品尝到里面夹杂着各种不同的牛肉和羊肉,味道浓郁,非常好吃。

      4. 王记火锅店: 这是石佛营附近非常出名的一家火锅店,主要是以清汤锅为主,选用的食材都是当季最新鲜的食材,口感非常不错,特别是里面的肉片、鱼丸以及各种蔬菜,都是非常丰富的,非常适合家庭聚餐或者是朋友聚会。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Cold-water-boiled mutton: The cold-boiled mutton is characterized by cold cooking. The soup base seasonings such as spring onions, ginger, onions, tomatoes, and dried peppers, as well as the mutton and mutton cut into small pieces, are put into a pot, and cold water is added to cook together. After the pot is boiled, drink the soup first. The soup is just right, and the mutton can be eaten. Eat the mutton first, and then eat the lamb chops. The soup is tender and the meat is well-defined.

      2. Mongolian milk tea: Mongolian milk tea is a milk product popular among Mongolians. It is made from brick tea and has a salty taste. You can also add fried rice, milk tofu, etc.

      3. Braised noodles: Braised noodles are composed of vegetables and noodles. Unlike other delicacies, braised noodles include potatoes, vegetables, and pasta.

      4. Tea soup: The tea soup is made from a large copper pot with a dragon's mouth. After the water is boiled, the master who brews the tea soup holds the bowl with one hand and lifts the copper pot with the other. The tea soup is cooked.

      5. Naanzi: To make Naanzi, use good flour, add a little salt and water to knead into a dough, then fry the noodles, cut into strips, knead them into strips, fill the pot around them, put them in the oil pan, use chopsticks Gently flip, control the heat to simmer and color, and fry until golden brown and crispy.

      6. Roasted Whole Lamb: Roasted Whole Lamb is a traditional meat product in the meals of ethnic minorities in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. It is a famous dish for Mongolians to receive distinguished guests. The color, aroma, taste, and shape are all complete. The burnt and fragrant outer skin is sizzling with oily flowers. When you tear a piece, the meat is soft and tender inside. The mutton taste is fragrant, quite palatable and unique.

    上一篇:石龙区美食!石龙美食街「记得收藏」 下一篇:酸奶没有保持冷链会怎么样,请问酸奶通过冷链

