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  • 鱼头豆腐汤没有姜怎么办,请问鱼头汤不要豆腐

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:53








      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. The role of ginger is to help remove fishy smell, but the material for removing fishy smell is not only ginger, there is no ginger, and other materials can be used instead, such as cooking wine, lemon, etc.

      2. Fish head tofu soup is a soup made of fish head and tofu as the main ingredients. Tofu contains more calcium, while fish meat contains vitamin D. The two are eaten together. With the help of vitamin D in the fish, the body can reduce calcium levels. The absorption rate is increased many times. Therefore, this soup is especially suitable for middle-aged people and teenagers.

      3. The combination of fish head and tofu: Fish head is rich in colloidal protein, low in fat and calories, and has the effect of invigorating the spleen and qi, warming the stomach, and beautifying the skin; tofu is rich in protein and calcium It has the functions of clearing away heat and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid and detoxifying, and reducing blood lipids. Stew fish head and tofu into soup to drink, not only can warm the body and brain, but also make people's skin moist and delicate.

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