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  • 小米手机的小爱同学怎么语音唤醒,请问小爱同

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:10






      演示机型:Xiaomi 12 Pro

      系统版本:MIUI 13

      APP版本:小爱同学 v5.119.2

       小米手机语音唤醒小爱同学共有5个步骤,以下是Xiaomi 12 Pro中语音唤醒小爱同学的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 设置界面点击小爱同学 进入设置界面,点击小爱同学选项。 2 点击语音唤醒选项 进入小爱同学界面,点击语音唤醒选项。 3 点击语音唤醒按钮打开 进入语音唤醒界面,点击语音唤醒右边的按钮打开即可。 4 录制语音点击开始录入 第一次使用时需要录制语音唤醒词,点击开始录入。 5 录制5遍“小爱同学” 按照提示,录制5遍“小爱同学”,页面显示“完成”,即代表录制成功。 END总结:以上就是关于小米手机的小爱同学怎么语音唤醒的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。








      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Xiaomi 12 Pro

      System version: MIUI 13

      APP version: Xiao Ai v5.119.2


      There are 5 steps to wake up Xiao Ai by voice on Xiaomi mobile phone. The following are the specific operation steps to wake up Xiao Ai by voice in Xiaomi 12 Pro: Operation / Step 1 Click Xiao Ai in the setting interface to enter the setting interface and click Xiao Ai option. 2 Click the voice wakeup option to enter the Xiaoai classmates interface, click the voice wakeup option. 3 Click the voice wake-up button to open Enter the voice wake-up interface, click the button to the right of the voice wake-up to open. 4 Record voice and click to start recording. When you use it for the first time, you need to record a voice wake-up word, click to start recording. 5 Record "Xiao Ai" 5 times. Follow the prompts and record "Xiao Ai" 5 times. The page displays "Complete", which means the recording is successful. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to wake up Xiao Ai of Xiaomi mobile phone, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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