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  • 油饼的热量是多少大卡,请问一张油饼的热量是

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:13













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. The calorie content of each 100 grams of oil cake is 399 kcal, and a medium-sized oil cake is about 100 grams. It takes nearly 1 hour to jog to consume the calories.

      2. Oil cakes and fried dough sticks have the same flavor of old Beijing. Old Tianjin is called Guotou, and old Beijingers usually take it as breakfast. When old Beijingers eat oil cakes, they eat soy milk. The method of making oil cakes is the same as that of fried dough sticks, but the shape is different. First stretch the noodles into a pie shape, make a few holes on the top, and then coat them with cooking oil, and then you can put them into the pan and fry them. The oil cake is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, oily but not greasy. Some people eat it for breakfast, and it is even more delicious with soy sauce.

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